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D-Day Eve

November 2, 2012

Many of the teachers i know, are probably trying to distract themselves from their nerves, just as i am right now. While some attempt to prepare themselves mentally, some occupied by the countdown, I chose to use this opportunity, to lookback at this teaching year thus far and do some reflection of my own.


Tomorrow i have a last tuition class with my 5A2, and that would probably mark my last teaching for this year. Soon, my kids will be facing the SPM, the form 4 are still in their final exams, and i will be jammed pack with tonnes of clerical work in school. yippie?


Tomorrow, also marks the day of truth – of whether we get our transfers, or not.

To be honest, i don’t even know what to think, or feel.

I guess, i have come to the point of acceptance – that may the Lord’s will be done.

From the very beginning of my teaching journey, everything had happened beyond my understanding or my expectations…

From getting the shock of my life that i had been posted to Kelantan (which was actually one of my biggest fear),

to coping with a new life in this small town and immersing myself in a new culture, and language,

to seeing the goodness of God and His great arrangements for me, even to the tiniest details,

i know for sure that as long as i trust in His way, i be heading the right direction.

And because of that,

i have peace.

and its not even a lie, or me trying to be cool about it…

i just know that whatever decision it is, whether i get to return to Perak, or stay back for yet another year,

i could still look forward towards the future 🙂


Oh yeah, as i was saying,

the biggest difference between this year and last was that,


Experience really does matter, and i felt like i grew so much in maturity, especially in handling matters of the students, and finding ways to teach them.

Communication has also being a great improvement, but i still prefer conversations in either English or proper Malay.

Unfortunately, an extra year in the teaching journey also meant an extra year of age gap between me and my kids – which also made me feel ‘old’er T_____T  Definitely lesser boy crushes or indulging myself in having eye candies, because they just seem to get younger by the day, and feels so much wronger lmao.

Then again, i could still be that little girl to my parents and also Alex, so i’m happy with that 😉


Being the class teacher of 5A2 has its highs and lows. Kids are probably more sincere in this class, but at the same time some of them gave me a lot of headaches. For one, i had to deal with so much more tough cases this year compared to last, with some as serious as drugs. This class also needed a lot of hands on coaching, as they are so dependent on me. However, I had no regrets teaching them, as they do not shy off in showing me their appreciation, and at the end of the day, they are really good kids.

We had our Jamuan Kelas, and boy was it hard to pull it off.

You get some kids who are really not cooperative, selfish with attitudinal problems, some who refused to pay, and some who refused to come.

Yeaaa… and unlike my old schools where secondary school kids are expected to handle stuff or simple events like this on their own, I had to do almost everything, and make all the decisions.

I did try to let them ‘man up’ and make their class party work, but guess what… until the day of the party, they did not put up invitations around the school, they bought ice and syrup to make drinks but forgot the drinking water, they did not even prepare rubbish bags etc etc. Imagine my frustration. I had to even direct them on how to decorate the class or even how to make sandwiches!!!!! It was really a day of testing my patience.

THANK GOD, everything else went smoothly that day..

our selection of food






and my mostest fav part of the day was when they took turns to feed me choc cake 😉

yes, i was quite touched by that~


and i also love love love my 5S2!




and lastly, my 5A5! too bad most of the pics are on their cameras.. only have 2 on mine~



oh yeah, and also some pictures with my 5A3 kids


So yea… Life is far from bad.

Let’s see whether i be facing big changes starting tomorrow~~~

One Comment leave one →
  1. November 3, 2012 4:28 pm

    Looks good! Well done, Felisha! =)

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