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Happy Birthday Poh Lin!!!

March 2, 2013

it seemed just like yesterday,

that we would msn each other while we were in the same room,

that we would msn each other while separated by oceans and continents,

that we would upgrade ourselves to whatsapping and kicking msn out of our lives,

that we would reply to tweets, comment on fb, and meet up in good ol taiping during our school breaks…

but it wasn’t just yesterday,

that we bummed into each other during IPBA’s registration, and started on this friendship,

with me sleeping ‘on top of you’,

bitching together,

grossing each other out with our toilet description,

laughing at your inability to butter a slice of bread,

you being all gung ho and supportive during my fallen relationships and failed friendships,

and me being a tad too protective when i psycho-ed victor to take good care of you hahahahahahahaha..

Time does fly..

and you are now TWENTY-SIX!!!!!!! (definitely don’t look your age. which makes me real jealous. lol)












Even so,









Roommate Fiesta - 11 September 2006 (18)_副本





One Comment leave one →
  1. March 8, 2013 12:55 am

    Awww~~~ So sweet! =)

your two cents?